Par Jey, lundi 27 juillet 2009 à 21:14
La technique du light painting qui depuis quelques temps s'abat comme un phénomène de mode, n'a rien de nouveau, pour preuve ces clichés datant de 1949 mettant en scène le célèbre peintre Pablo Picasso s'exerçant à la technique du Light Painting devant l'objectif du photographe Gjon Mili, qui travaillait pour LIFE magazine.
The light painting technique that has become quite a trend in the past years is nothing new, as those photographs taken back in 1949 might teach you. Showing famous painter Pablo Picasso practicing that technique already, those pictures were taken by LIFE magazine. photographer Gjon Mili.
Ce petit article est aussi l'introduction de bien d'autres à venir, nombreux de nos collaborateurs photographes ayant eux-mêmes pratiqué cette technique. Restez branchés sur Frenchy Fries pour découvrir leurs expériences !
This little article is also the introduction of more to come, as many of our collaborating photographers have experienced the technique for themselves. Stay tuned on Frenchy Fries to check out their experiments !
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This little article is also the introduction of more to come, as many of our collaborating photographers have experienced the technique for themselves. Stay tuned on Frenchy Fries to check out their experiments !
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graphiste, Picasso