The organizer, Mr. Jérémy Patrault himself. Portrait by Matthieu Dosso.

Thibault Barbaza, back on his homeland for a short wek-end, and a top soul first try. Photo by Anthony Finocchiaro.

Beaucoup avaient fait le déplacement en effet, de toute la France, de Belgique, et même de Suisse, pour se lancer dans une bataille sur les spots les plus connus de Lille. Après avoir graduellement gagné en intensité, le contest s'est achevé sur un rail raide et dangereux, en une apothéose de tricks risqués.

From all over France, Belgium, and even Switzerland, some serious contestants took the trip and battled it all out on Lille's most famous spots. After gradually gaining some momentum and intensity, the contest ended on a dangerous steep rail and reached its climax with some incredible tricks.

After seeing this huge poster up on Forward freestyle's wall, most would recognize the infamous K-Stor from Paris. Sticker and portrait shot by Matthieu Dosso.

Adrien Clairaz went high up on this top soul to gap, captured by AL.

Jeremy Minh Nguyen made an appearance, and I sure am glad he did ! Portrait by Matthieu Dosso.

En marge du contest officiel et de la victoire de Diego Guilloud se sont déroulées plusieurs petites sessions sur des spots alentours, permettant ainsi au staff Frenchy Fries de capturer quelques images pour la prochaine vidéo. Événement de rue véritable, la 4ème édition du Bling Bling contest était sans nul doute un succès !

Aside from the official contest and Diego Guilloud's victory, there were several others mini sessions on obstacles nearby, which allowed the Frenchy Fries crew to gather some more footage for the upcoming video. A true street event by all means, the 4th edition of the Bling Bling contest was a great success !

A truly international event, the comp was even greated by the presence of Lily from the US of A. Bling Bling portrait shot by AL.

Taking a break from the contest, Clément Boucau laces a zero spin pornstar before the madness unfolds. Action shot by Anthony Finocchiaro.

Always a smile on his face, Clément is proof that rollerblading is indeed one big family. Portrait by Matthieu Dosso.