Par Frenchyfries, samedi 31 octobre 2009 à 14:51
27 Septembre 2009, vingt-cinquième automne d' Orphée Bristow, une rampe de lancement dans la cuisine (Antoine Erimian, artisan menuiser et bureaucrate d'études), un plaquage digne des Compagnons les plus qualifiés (Quentin Mandron, Farside Crash, Antoine et moi même), ainsi qu'une barre. Voila ce qui a ramené chez nous quelques curieux qui se demandaient ce qu'il allait bien pouvoir arriver au Cent Seize.
September 27th 2009, Orphée Bristow's 25th birthday, a launch ramp in our kitchen (courtesy of Antoine Erimian, carpenter, wood carver and architect), the floor all covered in wood too thanks to some quality work (Quentin Mandron, Farside Crash, Antoine and myself), and a grindable couch to top it all off. This is what got some curious minds to pay us a visit at the One Sixteen, all wondering what kind of madness would unfold.
Il est 15h, personne n'est arrivé, le skatepark n'est toujours pas fini, on plaque, on cloue, on déménage, on assemble, et enfin, notre appartement est prêt a accueillir la première étape belge de la WRS.
It's 3PM, nobody got there yet, the skatepark is not even finished, we're still flattening, nailing, moving the furniture out, putting the spot together... And eventually, our appartment is ready to host the first WRS stop in Belgium.
A 17h, l'espace se remplit, on se tâte, la barre a l'air haute, la fenêtre n'est pas très large, les vitres sont fragiles, le bar ne tient pas, on s'inquiète pour le marbre et la hauteur du quarter, et il manque toujours le speaker (Thomas Buchet) et le juge (Kevin Duverger)
Around 5PM, space is filling up, people are getting nervous : the spot is high, the window frame isn't too wide, and the window itself doesn't seem too solid, some worry about the marble or the height of the quarterpipe, and we are still missing the MC (Thomas Buchet) and the judge (Kevin Duverger).
Eventually everything gets started, the birthday buffet cooked, prepared and served by Orphée Bristow (thanks to our beloved sponsor La Petite Poussine) is making everyone thirsty, people are losing their patience, and with the sound of the first beer can being opened, the first suicidal candidate throws himself at the spot. Contest is on, and people are jumping like devils through the window.
Le public profite d'une distribution de meubles chez les voisins, les gradins sont la, c'est la que le speaker arrive enfin, et c'est officiellement le début des "trainings". L'aventure s'arrêtera malheureusement ici, car la police est arrivée avant le juge.
The people in attendance take advantage of some furniture thrown away by the neighbors, and put together some bleachers, and as the MC finally arrives and the contest offically starts, the adventure has to stop since the cops made it to the spot before the judge.
Texte : Rémy Meister. Montage : Samuel "Bodchoy" Courdent.
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It's 3PM, nobody got there yet, the skatepark is not even finished, we're still flattening, nailing, moving the furniture out, putting the spot together... And eventually, our appartment is ready to host the first WRS stop in Belgium.
A 17h, l'espace se remplit, on se tâte, la barre a l'air haute, la fenêtre n'est pas très large, les vitres sont fragiles, le bar ne tient pas, on s'inquiète pour le marbre et la hauteur du quarter, et il manque toujours le speaker (Thomas Buchet) et le juge (Kevin Duverger)
Around 5PM, space is filling up, people are getting nervous : the spot is high, the window frame isn't too wide, and the window itself doesn't seem too solid, some worry about the marble or the height of the quarterpipe, and we are still missing the MC (Thomas Buchet) and the judge (Kevin Duverger).
HOME CONTEST - ORPHEE'S BIRTHDAY from Frenchy Fries on Vimeo.
Peu de temps après, ça craque, le buffet d'anniversaire élaboré, mis en place et servi par Orphée Bristow (remerciements a notre sponsor La Petite Poussine), ça donne soif, on s'impatiente et c'est la que, sur un bruit de métal que l'on désopercule, la première bière est ouverte et le premier suicidaire s'élance. La route est ouverte, on saute avec la diabolique conviction de pouvoir se défenestrer.Eventually everything gets started, the birthday buffet cooked, prepared and served by Orphée Bristow (thanks to our beloved sponsor La Petite Poussine) is making everyone thirsty, people are losing their patience, and with the sound of the first beer can being opened, the first suicidal candidate throws himself at the spot. Contest is on, and people are jumping like devils through the window.
Le public profite d'une distribution de meubles chez les voisins, les gradins sont la, c'est la que le speaker arrive enfin, et c'est officiellement le début des "trainings". L'aventure s'arrêtera malheureusement ici, car la police est arrivée avant le juge.
The people in attendance take advantage of some furniture thrown away by the neighbors, and put together some bleachers, and as the MC finally arrives and the contest offically starts, the adventure has to stop since the cops made it to the spot before the judge.
Texte : Rémy Meister. Montage : Samuel "Bodchoy" Courdent.
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Bruxelles, Home Contest, Orphée, Rémy Meister