Il est issu du graffiti ricain, son travail va de la pochette de disque, en passant par le tatoo jusqu'au street-art. Il a débuté en 1989. Tout est parti d'une blague lorsque Sheipard montra à son pote comment découper un pochoir, ce jour là il tomba sur le portrait de "André The Giant" (un catcheur français horriblement laid) . Il trouva ça génial et commença par placarder tout ce qu'il pouvait avec ces stickers "The Giant".

Starting in 1989, and coming up from the american graffiti scene, his work includes music albums designs, tattoo artworks, as well as countless famous paper and vinyl stickers and posters in the world of street art. Everything started as a joke, when Sheipard showed a friend how to make spray painting stencils. That day, he found a portrait of an incredibly ugly french wrestler, named "André the Giant". He absolutely loved it, and started sticking and painting André's face all around the East Coast, in a frenzy that soon became a movement throught hip hop and skateboarding subcultures.

Plus de visuels sur son site web . Cliquer ici

You can find more of his work on his website : Click here